Important Notice
Please do not telephone the surgery to check that your repeat prescription is ready, as this is putting additional pressure on our telephone lines.
Repeat prescriptions are processed within 2 working days.
Repeat Prescriptions
If you are on long-term medications, your doctor may decide to issue you with a repeat prescription once you are stable on your medication.
This allows you to request more medication from us for up to 12 months without a doctors appointment, and we have several ways you can do this.
1. Ordering online using Systmonline via the link on this page.
- You will need a username and password for this which you can request by emailing a copy of 1 piece of photo identification and 1 proof of address to
2. Ordering via email -
- We will need your full name, date of birth and address to be included in the email.
- Please list all the medications your require in the email
3. Ordering via the NHS App via the link on this page
4. Dropping your repeat prescription slip into the box on the front gate at the surgery.
For safety reasons, we are unable to accept requests for any prescriptions by telephone
If you have a query regarding your medication - please call the surgery on 01925 823 502, option 3 after 11.00am
Which Medicines Should be Purchased Over-the-Counter for Minor Ailments or Short-term Conditions?
- Pain relief cream/ointment for short-term
- Oral antihistamines for hay fever
- Decongestant nasal sprays and tablets
- Teething gels
- Vaginal moisturisers
- Warts and verrucae paints
- Heparinoid gel/cream
- Antiperspirants
- Antifungal treatments (for example for athletes foot)
- Treatments for bites & stings
- Treatments for cold sores;
- Antibacterial eye drops
- Treatment for diarrhoea
- Head lice treatments
- Treatments for infant colic
- Creams/ointments for nappy rash
- Threadworm treatments
- Vaginal thrush
- Haemorrhoids treatment
- Cough preparations
- Eye care products (for example dry eye drops, blepharitis wipes)
- Probiotics
- Treatments for mild acne
- Dandruff and Cradle cap treatments
- Baby milks (unless a clinical need for a specialist milk)

Over The Counter Medicines
Across Warrington & many areas of the UK, GP's and other health care professionals will no longer routinely prescribe medications for short term minor health problems.
NHS Warrington CCG undertook a formal public consultation on these proposals which received overwhelming support. On average 75% of people agree that, unless there are exceptional circumstances, patients will be expected to buy the medicines listed below themselves over-the-counter at a local pharmacy or supermarket.
NHS Warrington Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) spends approximately £1 million per year on prescribing these medicines.
This money could be better spent on treating more serious conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Many of these products are readily available, along with advice, from local pharmacies. Some are also available from local shops and supermarkets.